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Online Privacy and Security

Foxie Web Design is committed to helping people stay safe online. We provide a series of blogs to protect you online, from sufing the web to using email.

Staying safe on the internet

Ever had a friend hacked on Facebook?
Cybercrime is an epidemic, and the best way to protect yourself is to understand the various ways hackers break into your computers, email and online accounts.
This blog and video and online quiz will help you understand how to be more safe online.

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Avoiding emails spams and scams, learn more at Foxie Web Design located in Central Coast NSW

How to avoid email spam and scams

Avoid email scams​ Scam emails can look exactly like your bank or other service like Netflix, PayPal, Facebook etc. They often say that your account needs verifying, and what they are really trying to do is steal your passwords . Some tips to avoid getting scammed, always be suspicious! Only share your email address with

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